In April, 2013 I sold out of the first printing of Chuting Valdez. It is now available here:

I offer substantial discounts for bulk purchases - if you want 10 or more get in touch.
Email me with questions or comments - aaron [at] []
Chuting Valdez is a full color coil bound booklet detailing 11 areas and over 100 ski lines.
Below is a picture of the front and back covers, an update, and a sample of what's inside. Click here for additional routes not in Chuting Valdez.
Update - record rainfall of 26" in September 2012 washed out the small bridge referenced repeatedly in Chuting Valdez, including in the excerpt below. The map still shows where it is, and this doesn't affect the approaches any, but technically speaking one should now probably read "small bridge" as something like "place where the small bridge used to be." Carry on.
Mineral Creek
All of the lines listed here are massive slide paths. Debris dozens of feet deep fans out at the bottom. There are almost no safe zones once you leave the road, which is generally in the line of fire too. I generally ski these on firm snow with bomb proof stability, and would not venture on them under any but the most stable conditions.
Jago Chute – 1 1/3 miles past the small bridge. From the road it doesn’t look like it goes much past the apron, but have faith. A zig zag takes you through a choke, the steepest part of the route. It continues up, and there are a few options for getting into the cirque above the chute. Bear right for the least steep. The cirque above leads to short, steeper lines. 31°-38°, ese, 3400’